Get to know Jackson Moshier
Jackson Moshier (he/him)
Jackson is the office therapy intern. He is studying Animal Assisted Therapy (AST). AST uses small and large animals to help individuals and groups deal with mental, emotional, and physical issues. Jackson was born in Jackson County, WV. The good people of Jackson County, WV, provided an intervention when they realized he was malnourished, tied to a tree, and his prong collar was imbedded in his neck. Although this could make a four legged friend insecure, Jackson is very confident yet sometimes indifferent to particular emotions. As an intern he wants to learn to practically apply emotional support to others as his brother, Dr. Junior Moshier does.
Jackson also believes humans are experts on their story and sometimes they need assistance in the emotional response of the event or events of the past or present. He believes through his assistance with confidence he will help others in their journey.